Rope Threading System

Rope threading system is used for utomatic paper web threading through the threading ropes from the press part via drying section onto the reel of the paper machine.


It consists of a set of pulleys, rope stretchers and if necessary a rope drive. Auxilliary chutes and air pipes with nozzles can be used as other equipment to be placed in transfer points. A two-rope system is applied normally, but for heavier paper grades a three-rope system can be used. Because of different speeds in different parts of PM, the rope threading system is divided into several sections. Into the sections, where the paper web transfer is more complicated, the tail shooter with the cutter and with air or vacuum transporter is installed.

Rope pulleys

Pulleys dimensions (diameter, width, groove depth) depend on the machine speed and the basis weight.

Leading pulleys

The pulleys are used to form rope threading wedges (lower depth of a groove) in transfer points.

Guiding pulleys

The pulleys are used for guiding threading ropes in the machine (higher depth of a groove) and are manufactured in a single or double modification.

Ropes drive is used when the threading ropes do not pass through the drying cylinders or when the web contact is not sufficient for the rope dragging which might cause slips. The speed of the electric motor is controlled by a frequency converter and is derived from the speed of a closest suitable roll. The drive is provided with a safety cover.

Main parts
  • pneumatic rope stretching
  • set of pulleys with holders
  • standard design is common steel, eventually stainless steel according to customer’s request
  • threading rope drive
  • tail cutter
  • tail shooter
  • air conveyor
Scope of delivery
  • complete machine according to the main parts description
  • accessories optional, upon customer’s request
  • operational reliability
  • easy operation and maintenance

Machine design and work safety are in compliance with the EU and EAC standards.

  • Category

    Coating / Cultural
  • Length

    4 feet
  • Width

    6 feet
  • Height

    10 feet
  • Weight

    580 kg
  • Space Require

    14 sq. feet

Company Presentation

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