Reject Dewatering Conveyor

Reject dewatering conveyors ODV are designed to primarily dewater rejects (mixture of water and solids such as paper clips, residual hardened paper, pieces of wood, pipes, etc.) especially from vertical LCV or horizontal HV waste paper pulpers and periodic impurity separators PSN. Together with reject dewatering presses OLV, they form a complete solution of reject dewatering.

Machine design and work safety are in compliance with the EU standards and EAC.

Machine parts
  • Stainless vat (1)
  • Shaftless worm (2)
  • Screen (3)
  • Skids (4)
  • Electric gearbox (5)
  • The machine is made of stainlelss steel
  • Shaftless worm and skids are made of carbon steel of higher strength
  • Category

    Cultural / Industrial
  • Value

  • Client

    Group Marzocco
  • Architect

    Alexandre Giraldi, Vinci Company
  • Location

    La Rousse/Saint Roman, Monaco
  • Completion Date

  • Floor Count

    49 and 47
  • Square Footage

  • Height

    170 metres

Company Presentation

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