
Pumps are designed to transport papermaking stock at consistencies up to 6 % and at pH values of 6.0 to 8.0 and to pump water, polluted liquids and sludges. Depending on process conditions, centrifugal pumps, fan pumps, screw pumps and other pump sorts are delivered. Fan pumps before paper machine headboxes are equipped with special low pulsating impellers.

Pump choice

Pump parameters and types are specified based on mechanical projects. Choosing a single pump the following must be specified:

  • Pump positioning in the line
  • Pump throughput (min., max.)
  • Pump delivery height or delivery pressure
  • Stock specification (pumped stock sorts, consistency, pollution)

A basic configuration of the delivered pump can be completed with a frame, an electric motor and a frequency converter.
The pumps are delivered with cord seals. On demand and/or depending on pumped medium a mechanical seal can be used.

Main parts
  • Spiral case (1)
  • Impeller (2)
  • Shaft with bearings (3)
  • Coupling with cover (4)
  • Foundation frame (5)
  • Electric motor (6)
  • All parts coming to contact with the stock are made of stainless steel
  • Other parts are made of structural steel with protective coating
  • Pump delivery battery limits are input and output flanges without joining material and seals
  • Frame without anchoring material
  • Pre-bored coupling in the impeller shaft including cover

Machine design and work safety are in compliance with the EU standards and EAC.s

  • Easy instalation and assembly of the pump and electric motor machine unit
  • Simple maintenance
  • Category

    Cultural / Industrial
  • Value

  • Client

    Group Marzocco
  • Architect

    Alexandre Giraldi, Vinci Company
  • Location

    La Rousse/Saint Roman, Monaco
  • Completion Date

  • Floor Count

    49 and 47
  • Square Footage

  • Height

    170 metres

Company Presentation

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