Bagasse received from Sugar mills contains around 30- 35% pith @ total moisture contains around 50%. As pith has got no fiber value- it has to be removed to make bagasse fiber suitable for the pulp mill. The first step is to remove the pith by hammering action in the Depither.
Bagasse is conveyed by belt conveyor to the Pin Feeder. The Pin Feeder is provided to regulate the flow of raw material into Depither. It consists of two rollers rotating against each other. The rollers are equipped with Pins which distribute the raw material in a controlled flow to the Depither. The Pin Feeder is driven by a variable speed motor via a reduction Gear Box. After passing through the pin feeder, loosened Bagasse falls into the Depither.
The Depither is designed to separate the dust from Bagasse. The Bagasse is fed through the inlet spout or chute at a specific feed rate to the top of the Rotor Assembly in which the Hammers are rotating clockwise (as one looks from the drive end i.e., from the top) at a pre-determined speed.
The Bagasse falling down between the Rotor Hammers and Screen will be battered (hammered) successively by each group of Hammers. The pith and dust is then forced through Screen by Centrifugal force and discharged through dust chute to a conveyor, which takes the dust either to boiler for burning or for disposal. The fiber is discharged through the fiber chute. The fiber is then taken to a belt conveyor to washing streets.