Equipment For Storing And Dosing Other Sizing Agents

Both resin and AKD sizing agents are delivered as commercial products usually in 1 000 liter IBC containers or in road tankers up to 23 tons. The equipment is either designed for a direct IBC connection to a dosage station or a storage tank connected to the dosage station is installed.

Sizing agent storage and dosage equipment – main parts
  • Storage tank(optional)-volume10-50m ,other size possible by customers’ request
  • Sizing agent dosage station
Dosage station
  • Single or double design (1 or 2 dosing pumps for each dosage point)
  • Number of outlets depends on dosage points number (1 to 5 points for multilayer boards)
  • Diaphragm or screw dosing pumps controlled by external signals
  • Dosage measuring by means of induction flow meters
  • Automated fittings
  • On-line dissolving circuit using transport water(if required)
  • Electric switch board with control system
  • Support structure

The machinery design and safety comply with the EU and EAC industrial standards.

  • Category

    Cultural / Industrial
  • Length

    4 feet
  • Width

    12 feet
  • Height

    10 feet
  • Weight

    580 kg
  • Space Require

    14 sq. feet

Company Presentation

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